Media is equivilant to English literature, they are both similar as English Literature allows you to similarly think the same way as media in order to understand and create ideas on something. Also Media students are liked by employees as it shows the worker may be creative and have good personality traits.
Media is very much seen as a soft subject and people still feel that it is easier to pass and should receive fewer UCAS points. Private schools are not offering media as they want their students to choose more useful and academic subjects.
Media is studied and taught top universities and is a great subject as you need to be creative and think very hard about all different aspects involved. Being a media student allows you to be constructive. Furthermore being a media student allows you to look at things in a more creative angle and question why for example a advert was directed this way this indicates that studying media allows students to create their own opinions and become more analytic and question why things are the way they are.
Online media is more convenient to get the news wherever you are. Instead of going to a shop and buying a newspaper. Web 2.0 affects people hugely as they are able to create blogs and share ideas. Social networks are becoming more popular especially with young people. It is easily accessible and the world is becoming smaller because of the internet. As you can effectively manage your life on the internet.
Research and planning is very much needed to create a great production.
1) Look at real examples to compare to your own work and improve it.
2) Look at every angle, and look different types of conventions, audiences and institutions.
Many Things will go wrong. However this is all a part of making a production, try and Record all of your planning and show the processing of your work to show what you have done. Using blogs allow you to link examples, ideas and inspiration. Evidence is key to show how you have constructed your ideas.
Always ask for new Ideas and feedback, It is good to get feedback from teachers and other students,use both the positive and negative feedback to make the best production possible. Take negative criticism on board and don’t take them in the wrong way.