It was banned because the ad campain breeched the Broadcasting Code of Advertsing as it was deemed to be sexually explicit and unsuitable for mainstream television.
I believe this ad campaign was rightly banned as I would feel rather awkward if I were watching television and this ad popped up with my family around.
2) This advertisement produced by the Department of Health (NHS) In the UK advertising the risks of smoking, was Banned as it can "frighten and distress children"

This ad campaign breached the Broadcasting Code of Advertising as the code deems that Advertisements that are suitable for older children but could distress younger children must be sensitively scheduled (see Section 32: Scheduling). However, The regulators found this ad too distressing and decided to ban it fully.
I would agree with the ban as I also felt a bit frightened when i first saw this on TV and decided to change the channel.
3) This Controversial whacky advert for Tango, was Banned in the UK in 1998, and replaced with a tamer version featuring a kiss instead of the slap, following fears that the advert was sparking copycat behaviour in school playgrounds.
This ad campaign breached the Broadcasting Code of Advertising as the code deems that Advertisements must not condone or encourage bullying.
I would agree with the banning as violence now known as the Happy Slap around the world first started from this advertisement.
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